Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Homework 4 Success ~ Learn, Grow, Improve!

Seeking self employment or starting a big business? It's a simple formula, really. Lots of research, work hard, and make informed choices. It will all come together, right?

As we all know, life is tricky.You think you're making smart choices to find out later on they weren't so smart! Frustrating it is, and it happens to the best of us. Bad decisions set us back financially and emotionally; especially when you've done your part yet things still don't turn out as intended.

I read over and over: "if you're in your comfort zone, you are not improving". I know from first hand experience, this is true. The only way to personal growth and business success is to step up, and deal with life's set backs head on. Once you've faced them, you can move onward and upward! I'm sure many of you already are aware of this; yet so often we forget!

Looking for some motivation? Want some personal improvement? Here is a fun, laid back weekly read from dad: http://www.homework4success.com/ . I have to say I find it very motivating and certainly it will keep me inspired to work, make money, and have a ball while doing so!
"Is it really work if you’re having fun?"

Like father, like daughter. Dad's been an entrepreneur since I can remember and I've been running my own business since 2003. We definitely keep each other motivated!

Check it out.. and please, let us know what you think!

Good luck and best wishes,

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